BMLC – E-Mail Marketing Campaign – June Customized


BMLC Email Marketing Campaign Management – June 2024
Customized Eblast Service

  • Creative & Marketing Development
  • Brand Matching & Image loading (5 images)
  • Three emails with email resends for each (does not include creating funnels, automation series)
  • One event registration
  • Link backs
  • Results review & analysis.
  • Includes 3 hours of creative work hours. Estimated 1 hour per campaign.
  • Customized for simple email campaign, link backs, announcements, event setup.
    – Payment covers email marketing services provided for the entire month of June 2024.   -One-time fee.

Email Marketing powered by Constant Contact Business Partnership
Expectation to sign up under Maryam’s Mark and Co’s CTCT partner portal for management.



BMLC Email Marketing Campaign Management – June 2024
Customized Eblast Service

  • Creative & Marketing Development
  • Brand Matching & Image loading (5 images)
  • Three emails with email resends for each (does not include creating funnels, automation series)
  • One event registration
  • Link backs
  • Results review & analysis.
  • Includes 3 hours of creative work hours. Estimated 1 hour per campaign.
  • Customized for simple email campaign, link backs, announcements, event setup.
    – Payment covers email marketing services provided for the entire month of June 2024.   -One-time fee.

Email Marketing powered by Constant Contact Business Partnership
Expectation to sign up under Maryam’s Mark and Co’s CTCT partner portal for management.
